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Fast acquisition Multi-Plane Microscope
Multi-Plane Microscopy (also called multi-foci microscopy) is a relatively recent 3D imaging modality. Originally created by adding a beam splitter after the tube lens to generate two images on the camera which, by tuning the optical length between the tube lens and the camera for each path (one slightly longer resp. shorter than the other) creates two images at two different depths in the sample both in focus at the camera. At Hofkens lab, we have a more advanced version in which the beam splitter was replaced by a prism (see Fig. below) which split the light after the tube lens in eight images while tuning the distance of individual beam of light such that they lead images at different depth in the sample. By doing so we can image simultaneously a 50x50x4 µm volume.
This setup is particularly suited for application where fast 3D imaging is required: MicroRheology, 3D particle tracking in live cells or in flows, any type of dynamics in 3D. The fast acquisition can also be used for 2D sample where frame rate can be pushed to 1000 fps if the capturing area is reduced to a single plane. Additionally, the presence of an optical trap opens many possibilities.
Excitation wavelength: 405, 488, 532, 561 and 640 nm
Other illumination: Brightfield, Darkfield
Other laser: 1064 Nd:Yag (Optical tweezer/Optical trapping)
Hardware synchronization
Astigmatism for PSF engineering
Nm accuracy PI motor in x,y,z for full control over the sample
Automatization of acquisition possible.
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